Issue Four

Gods, Kings, Honored Dead & Mortals
Four Worlds In One
Where do you start with a subject as broad as ancient Egypt? It's easy to lose sight of what's significant among the details of this many-splendored land, but Christopher Tuttle brings it all into clearer focus.
The Becoming One
Scarabs as Amulets
We don't think of beetles as being sacred, but the ancient Egyptians did. They equated scarabs with the sun and the heart. Christopher Tuttle explores the scarab's long history and modern-day magical uses.
Repeating Births
Knowing the Names of Ancient Egyptian Religion
Just as the ancient Egyptians never called their linen-wrapped dead "mummies," they also didn't refer to their deities by the names we know them asIsis, Osiris, Horus, Set
Learn what the Gods want and how to call them by their real names. By Tamara Siuda.
A photographic sojourn in ancient Egypt with excerpts from Normandi Ellis's
Awakening Osiris.
Photography by Scott Fray.
The Perfumed Mummy
The Art of Embalming in Ancient Egypt
Dried husks of ancient humans wrapped in linen and covered with rare and fragrant resins. What are mummies really about? Peg Aloi looks at the whys and wherefores of mummy-makingas well as how and with what.
Ancient Afternoons
Author of the most lyrical translation to date of
The Egyptian Book of the Dead,
Normandi Ellis has much to say about the spiritual treasures of ancient Egypt and the perils and beauty of Egypt today. She spent a summer afternoon talking with Myrriah Lavin about her connections with the red and black land.
The Mummy
Beneath the Wraps
Mummiesobjects of mystery and horror. Clutching their dreadful secrets, they rise up again and again to terrorize the movie-going public. Walter von Bosau traces the Mummy's exploits, past and present, on the silver screen.
A poem on the nature and character of red by Barbara Blatner.

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